The beginning of the club can be traced to a car show in Kingstree, South Carolina held in August of 1981. Several men from the Florence area were there and discussed among themselves the need for a Florence club. These five men, Al Robinson, George Cruckshank, David Lesesne, Henry Hodges, and Gene Deregon, started by copying names and addresses from the window registration of that show. Other names were collected at other shows. These were contacted and there was enough interest to call a meeting in October of 1981 at which the club was organized.
Officers elected were:
President, Al Robinson;
Vice-President, Gene Deregon;
Secretary, Marilyn Robinson:
Treasurer, Henry Hodges.
The new club had their first show in June of 1982 at the Hartscapade Festival in Hartsville, SC. The club was very active, taking ten or more cars to ten shows that year.
A charter meeting was held on September 23, 1982, with twenty-six members in attendance. This enabled the club to be accepted as an official part of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA).
In December the club held its first annual Christmas Party at the Lesesne’s home on McQueen Street. A woman’s support group (wives of the men members) was formed, and they were called the “Foxy Ladies.
In 1983 the club continued to grow and sponsored various activities. The club strengthened its organization with the acceptance of a good Constitution and By-Laws.
Over the years members have helped form other car clubs in the area and the club continues to cooperate with and support other car clubs.
In 2006 the club celebrated it’s Silver Anniversary with a party, giving the members an opportunity to reminisce over the past years and enjoy the fellowship which has been such a strong part of club membership.
The club is still writing its history and is eager to have interested people join the club to be a part of that heritage.